The talk was laid out nicely with appropriate chronological and conceptual
sequence. Dr. Bouchiat first described the work on graphene decorated with
dense randomly distributed Sn adsorbates. The 2D nature of proximity-induced
superconductivity in graphene seem to favor phase fluctuations and a gate
tunable Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT)-type scaling of the
temperature-dependence of resistance across the transition. It was then shown
that similar experimental platform can be used to achieve a
superconductor-insulator transition too, by using deliberately damaged CVD
graphene (via chemical means) as the host material. It was interesting to see
that the transition occurred at the universal magnitude of h/4e2,
expected from the self-dual Bosonic scenario, although the universality of this
observation was not clear to me. Another interesting aspect was the exponent
obtained from the finite size scaling, which did not correspond to the classical
percolation picture. The speaker speculated if this could correspond to quantum
percolation processes.
The final experimental aspect was superconductivity induced in graphene by
a dilute but regular array of the Sn dots. The most interesting observation here
is the anomalous reduction of the sample's critical temperature Tc
with respect to the calculated TBKT on increasing graphene
resistance, leading to a sudden collapse of superconductivity when approaching
the charge neutrality point of the graphene layer. Dr. Bouchiat believes this
deviation is due to the breakdown of the superconducting phase stiffness due to
the emergence of quantum phase fluctuations, rather than thermal phase
fluctuations which is addressed in conventional BKT-type framework.
In summary, I wish to note that the use of graphene as the experimental
platform seems to be motivated mainly by the 2D nature of graphene rather than
its unique band structure or Dirac Fermionic quasiparticle excitations. For
example, Cooper pairs in graphene’s hexagonal lattice are expected to give rise
to nontrivial Andreev reflection, which were not encountered in these
experiments. The experiments presented in the seminar not only demonstrate very
similar features observed and debated in other classes of low-dimensional
superconductors such as the oxide interfaces or ultra-thin NbN films, but also
emphasize the applicability of graphene as a versatile system with which many of the outstanding questions can be investigated
with great control.
Blogged by Arindam Ghosh
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