Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tuesday 28 July 2015 - Stefano Gariglio - Study of Superconductivity at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces by Field Effect

Stefano starts his talk by a general introduction on the fascinating properties of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (LAO/STO) interface, namely superconductivity, strong spin-orbit coupling and magnetism. In this interface between a non-polar material (STO) and a polar material (LAO), an electronic reconstruction takes place to avoid the divergence of the electrostatic potential as the LAO thickness increases. As a result, electrons are transferred from the surface of the LAO to the STO where Ti ions can have a mixed-valence ionic state. A 2DEG is formed at the interface and extends in the STO on a typical thickness of 10 nm. We will get back to this point latter. One key question that Stefano addressed is whether or not this electronic reconstruction is specific to the LAO/STO interface. The answer and several other oxides interfaces have been found to be conducting and even superconducting with similar transition temperatures than the one of LAO/STO. But of course, one always needs the same ingredient : a polar discontinuity. Let's look at a few examples. If you replace the LaAlO3 layer by a LaGaO3 layer, another wide gap and polar material, you also obtain a 2DEG which is superconducting below 300mK. Not very surprising since Ga has the same valence state than Al (just one row below in the periodic table). A 2DEG is also observed with LaTiO3 and LaVO3, two Mott insulators where the transition metal ion (Ti or V) can take many different valence states. The LaTiO3/SrTiO3 interface is also superconducting but so far there is no report of superconductivity in the LaVO3/SrTiO3 one. Good, but these are all STO based heterostructures.  Can we use another non-polar material to replace STO ? The answer is yes. H. Hwang and collaborators have shown that under proper atomic boundary conditions, the TiO2/LaAlO3 interface is conducting with a high-mobility.

Then Stefano reported a measurement of both the perpendicular and the parallel critical magnetic field of superconducting LAO/STO interfaces over the entire phase diagram (i.e. as a function of electrostatic back gating). By checking carefully the temperature dependence of these two critical fields, it is in principle possible to discriminate between single-gap and two-gap superconductivity. That's an important point for the LAO/STO interface since, back in the early days, two gaps have been measured in bulk doped STO by tunneling spectroscopy. As far as we can say from the experimental data of Stefano, it seems that there is only one superconducting gap in the LAO/STO interface.

Now let's go back to the extension of the 2DEG in the STO substrate. From the perpendicular critical magnetic field, Stefano extracted the GL coherence length has a function of  back gate voltage or equivalently as a function of the sheet conductance.  As expected, the coherence length takes a minimum value when the Tc is maximum (for a conductance of approximately 1 mS) and follows an inversed dome shape. From the parallel critical field, Stefano extracted the thickness of the superconducting 2DEG using again a simple GL picture. For low conductance (negative gate voltage), the extension of the 2DEG in the STO is about 10 nm and it increases up to 30 nm for the highest conductance (positive gate voltage). This result is consistent with the electrostatic filling of the highest subbands in the interfacial quantum well, which delocalize deeper in the STO substrate. This is a beautiful result, which should help us to better understand the superconducting properties of these interfaces as a function of electrostatic gating. However, it also raises a very fundamental question. This analysis being entirely based on a simple GL picture, how can we explain that the parallel critical field exceeds by far the Pauli limit? Everybody agrees that the strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling probably plays a role into this but this key point still needs to be clarified.

Blogged by Nicolas Bergeal

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