Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday 28 July 2015 – Claudio Castellani - Intra-gap optical absorption in disordered superconductors

Claudio Castellani talks about collective excitations in strongly disordered superconductors. 

He starts his talk by reviewing the two possible mechanisms, fermionic or bosonic, to induce a superconductor insulator transition. In the latter Cooper pairs break down and then single fermions undergo Anderson localization while in the former Cooper pairs becomes localized directly. Recent experimental results in Bi films, InO, TiN suggest that the bosonic mechanism is at work. An important consequence of the bosonic mechanism is that a finite gap still exists above Tc.  It is becoming broadly accepted this feature, once believed to be exclusive of cuprates, is indeed generic in any strongly disordered superconductor.

He continues his presentation discussing the Ioffe and Mezard proposal regarding the existence of a  glassy phase in strongly disordered superconductors that is controlled by a rather large length scale that is not related to the coherence length. Ioffe and Mezard model, a spin chain related to the disordered superconductor, by Anderson pseudo-spin representation, is defined on a Cayley tree. The loop-less structure of the Cayley tree suppresses localization effects and reduces substantially the effort to obtain results. Claudio points out that the price to pay is that the results cannot be extrapolated to any material or realistic model. This is a further motivation to study this problem in a more realistic setting: the disordered attractive Hubbard model in two dimensions.

After introducing the model and briefly reviewing previously relevant literature such as the well known papers by Trivedi and co-workers, he then presents results for the normalized spatial distribution function of the order parameter. It was computed numerically by solving the associated BdG equations, namely, in the mean-field limit. Small deviations from mean field were computed in the random phase approximation.  I believe that technically this approximation should be fine provided that disorder or Coulomb interactions are not strong enough. More quantitatively I suspect that this approximation breaks down in the insulator side when the bulk gap is of the order of the main level spacing in a localization volume.

The resulting spatial distribution clearly illustrates the difference in disordered superconductors between the spectral gap, that can be measured by tunnelling (STM), from the amplitude of the order parameter. Claudio stresses that this will be important for the rest of the talk. As in the Ioffe-Mezard model the distribution has fat tails though the details are substantially different. Claudio argues that the distribution is Tracy-Widom, that it is known to be relevant in the context of 2d polymers. Using his words it is also universal in the sense that qualitatively it does not depends on the disorder or interaction strength of the Hubbard model. It was not clear to the exact extension of the universality and the reason why the superconducting problem is so closely related with the 2d polymer one.

In the last part of the talk, based on previous results, he addresses the transport properties, more specifically current response, in the same disordered Hubbard model. 

From a technical point of view the main difference with respect to the clean or weakly disordered case is the need to include vertex corrections (we recall that the treatment of deviations from mean field is perturbative). The numerical result clearly show that the current flows through rather filamentary structures. Only some parts of sample contribute but still long-range order is preserved. After a lively exchange with the audience it is argued that this behaviour could be confirmed experimentally by studying the coherence peak and the tunnelling gap by STM techniques.

Finally he presents results for the optical conductivity. Disorder induces a novel coupling to the vector potential. Clear deviations from the BCS results (Mathis-Bardeen) due to disorder are observed. There is a missing spectral weight, originated in SC islands, it is claimed to be transferred to high frequencies. No evidence at all of Higgs mode. The conductivity seems to be dominated by phase, no amplitude, fluctuations.

I asked whether these results are robust to Coulomb interactions that are not taken into account. It is well known that in clean superconductors no phase collective excitations are observed because Coulomb interactions pushes the frequency of the excitation above the gap. I am told that preliminary results suggests that disorder prevent this mixing and therefore these results maybe be observed experimentally.

He finishes by commenting recent results on an insulating peak by Ovadia et. al. that might be interpreted as a signature of either Many-Body localization or glassy physics. I mention that I do not see a clear contradictions between the two interpretation since Many-body localization is also related to extremely slow dynamics.

Blogged by Antonio Garcia-Garcia

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