This BCS-based Mattis-Bardeen
prediction for the optical response is found in conventional superconductors
(e.g. observed by Tinkham and coworkers a long time ago).
Peter suggests coupled 1D Josephson
arrays as a “cartoon” model of springs, where an optically active mode shows
up. If there is disorder involved, some spectral weight, which might be
originally at zero frequency, then moves to finite frequency. Peter points out
that he only wants to focus on below-gap features, but there might be effects
above the gap as well. He then refers to the suggestion by Auerbach and
coworkers that a Higgs mode might show up in the optical response of disordered
superconductors, and he mentions that experiments in his own group, which
correspond to those of the recent paper of Sherman et al., come to different
experimental conclusions and that he believes that the Higgs mode does not
apply here.
Peter then briefly introduces their own
experiments: THz time domain spectroscopy. He shows a set of optical
conductivity spectra for NbN thin films with different Tc. With suppressed Tc,
the signature of the gap in the real part of the conductivity becomes more
blurred, and the Cooper-pair response in the imaginary part becomes weaker.
Peter then explains that fitting the data with a spread in gap values gives a
reasonable description of the spectra in the real part of the conductivity. He
refers to theoretical work by Larkin and Ovchinnikov: disorder on scales
shorter than coherence length will give smeared BCS gap function.
Peter finally reports that for their
optical measurements on disordered samples, the traditional sum rule is not
obeyed when it comes to the delta-peak in the superconductor: apparently some
spectral weight that is suppressed below the energy gap is shifted to higher
energies instead of going into the delta-peak.
Blogged by Marc Scheffler
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