Misha starts with the general motivation: we have experimental (and
theoretical) evidence than in disordered systems the local gap becomes
inhomogeneous. How to describe this? Which are the consequences in the physical
First of all, Misha clarifies the difference between “disorder” and
“inhomogeneity”. When one talks about disorder one usually compares the
superconducting correlation length xi with the mean-free path l, so that clean limit is for l/xi>>1, while dirty limit is the opposite. Inhomogeneity is something
different, it has to do with the ratio between l and Fermi wavelength, and it
implies the absence of self-averaging. Question by Dan Shahar: it can occur in
principle also in a clean, correlated system. Answer by Misha: yes, but we try
to make our life simpler first, and we stick on the case of disorder-induced
inhomogeneity. In addition we want a small parameter to deal with, so we
consider disordered systems but away from the SIT. Misha wants to focus on the
effects of inhomogeneity on two measurable quantities: 1) the (tunneling) DOS
and 2) the superfluid density.
For the DOS Misha first introduces the phenomenological Random-Coupling
Constant (RCC) model by Larkin-Ovchinnikov: a space-dependent coupling constant
can have the same effect as Abrikosov-Gorgov like magnetic impurities (as
implemented by Usadel equations), i.e. smearing of the BCS coherence peak in
the DOS plus a reduction of the hard gap. What’s new here is that the RCC model
is derived starting from mesoscopic fluctuations of the order parameter. This
allows one to connect the famous etaDOS depairing parameter in Usadel
equations to the SC order-parameter fluctuations. At the end one obtains both
the smearing of the peaks and a tail below the hard gap. However, even using
the kind of mesoscopic inhomogeneity that one expects in the model elaborated
by Misha e coworkers for the Coulomb suppression of Tc, the overall effect on
the DOS is 100 times smaller than the smearing observed in TiN films. Why? This
remains an open interesting question (but see also comment at the end of the
For what concerns the superfluid density Misha explains that an outcome of
the RCC model is that the Cooperon and the diffuson get coupled in the presence
of the gauge field. This implies that the superfluid density (i.e. the response
to the gauge field) is not only suppressed by disorder in the usual
Mattis-Bardeen sense (i.e. only a fraction of the total carries condense in the
superfluid state) but it gets an additional suppression due to the mesoscopic
order-parameter fluctuations. Once again, this can be mapped into the result of
Usadel equations, BUT the depairing parameter etaEM turns out to be different from the one etaDOS that accounts for the DOS smearing: this is a quite relevant take-home
message for experimentalist trying to fit data with the Usadel equations.
Finally, Misha makes an interesting comment on the fact that the different
kinds of disorder (dense weak scatterers, or diluted strong scatterers, or
grain boundaries, etc.) introduce different short-scale effects that can be
finally relevant to explain the real mechanisms of Tc suppression and all the
non-universal aspects of the experimental findings (including the quantitative
discrepancies between theory and experiments). Indeed, even if on average only
the diffusion coefficient matters, the mesoscopic fluctuations of the SC order
parameters are very sensitive to short-scale structure of disorder. This question opens an
interesting perspective for future theoretical and experimental work.
Blogged by Lara Benfatto
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