Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wednesday 29 July 2015 – Lili Wang -The superconductivity in single layer FeTe1-xSex films on SrTiO3

LiLi Wang started by motivating her experimental work as an effort to create higher temperature superconductors. Displaying a figure showing the discovered superconducting Tc’s over time, she pointed out that the high Tc materials exceeded expectations based on the established electron phonon interaction based models of superconductivity.  Predictions of those models were distilled by McMillan by a formula that suggested a maximum for Tc limited by the electron-phonon coupling.  LiLi noted that the high Tc materials have lower carrier densities and higher Debye temperatures than the pre-high Tc superconducting materials.Thus, materials with these two characteristics are interesting to pursue. LiLi next described two inspirations for increasing Tc:  Ginzburg predicted that superconducting states could form at the surfaces of materials.  These superconducting energy gap of these states would have to be larger than the bulk gap.  The second inspiration came from experiments showing superconductivity at the interface of two different semi-conductors by Fogel and coworkers. 

Armed with this motivation LiLi and her coworkers started searching for superconductivity in metal films on ceramic dielectric substrates with high dielectric constants.  LiLi presented STM and transport results on FeSe and FeTeSe on STO substrates.  FeSe superconducts with a bulk Tc of 9 K at ambient pressure and 37 K at high pressure.  Te substitution can raise the bulk Tc to 15K at ambient pressure. 

LiLi presented a comparison of FeSe films grown on STO and grown on graphene to understand how the substrate modified the FeSe film properties.  On graphene, FeSe forms islands that are weakly mechanically coupled to the graphene.  The square lattice spacing a was 0.38 nm, which is close to the bulk value.  On STO, the FeSe forms a nearly uniform epitaxial film with a=0.39 nm, which is the STO lattice constant. 

 The FeSe films on graphene show a BCS like quasiparticle tunneling characteristic as measured by in situ STM.  Unlike BCS, however, the sub gap conductance has a linear energy dependence.  The superconducting Tc as determined from the temperature dependence of the zero bias conductance decreased as 1/d where d is the FeSe film thickness to disappear at an extrapolated thickness of dc=0.7 nm. 

By contrast, FeSe films on STO only showed a superconducting quasiparticle tunneling characteristic when they were 1 UC thick.  Thicker films showed no sign of superconductivity.  Remarkably, the conductance showed a large gap with vertical edges, two peaks at positive and negative polarities and a very low zero bias conductance.  The presence of two peaks suggests that there are two energy gaps in these films with 2\Delta=25 and 40 meV.  The gap closes when the temperature is raised up to 68 K implying a substantially enhanced Tc in these FeSe films.  ARPES data from another group also exhibits a large gap (\Delta=15-19 meV) that forms on the surface of 4 electron pockets centered on the M points in the Brillouin zone.  The gap looks isotropic. 

To corroborate the high Tc values, LiLi developed a method to cap the FeSe for ex situ transport measurements.  Films capped with a 10UC FeTe and 30 nm thick amorphous Si film exhibited a resistively measured midpoint Tc of 32 K and a inductively measured Tc of 21 K.  Both of these values are lower than the in situ STM measurements reveal.  

Next, LiLi presented STM measurements on FeTe1-x films to see how substitution affected the properties.  The gap in the tunneling conductance varied negligibly with Te additions up to 90% substitution.  100% substitution quenched the gap structure. 

At the end of her talk, LiLi rhetorically asked what may make Tc so high in these 1 UC FeSe films.  Is it a charge doping effect? This seems possible because gating can affect Tc and recent experiments by a Japanese group showed that K atoms on the surface of FeSe films could enhance their superconducting properties.  Is it a surface enhanced electron phonon coupling effect?  If so, then adding an STO layer atop the FeSe films might enhance the Tc further.  LiLi suggested that a STO/FeSe/STO sandwich may be a delectable treat for science!

Blogged by Jim Valles

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