Eduard motivates his talk with possible applications of disordered
superconductors for e.g. single photon detectors. At the same time he points at
the so-far only poorly understood microwave response in strongly disordered
TiN: The DOS one needs to feed into Mattis-Bardeen equations to fit the
dynamical conductivity does not compare to the tunneling DOS.
Eduard continues with the main objective of his talk: We know (maybe, a
bit) about the equilibrium properties of disordered superconductors but
basically nothing about the non-equilibrium properties. With the technological
state-of-the-art possibilities of structuring at the nanoscale this has become
feasible. The systems Eduard tailors and studies are superconducting TiN
nanowires (4µm x 200nm, 1KOhm -> close to the SIT) at 50mK through which a
current is sent. Using a blunt STM tip positioned above the wire, a small
current (0.2 - 2nA) is locally injected. To prevent the tip crashing into the
insulating substrate, the nanowire is neighbored by other nanowires separated
by a distance small enough to keep the tip above the substrate. The current through the wire is ramped
up until its critical value is reached.
Prior to the non-equilibrium properties, Eduard addresses the properties
with the perturbation switched off. On average, only very small coherence peaks
are present and a large zero-bias anomaly (>0.5) is observed. Eduard states that it is impossible to
fit the particular shape to any formula known (either a fit captures the
suppression of coherence peaks and fails at the zero-bias or vice versa). Also
on the local scale, a fully gapped DOS is not resolved. This is in some sense
different compared to what was observed previously (studies of B. Sacepe) and
in disordered NbN, where the coherence peaks are also suppressed, but a fully
gapped DOS is observed at various sites, as Pratap Raychaudhuri points out. The
(equilibrium) critical current is 1.2µA.
Upon switching on the STM current injection (1nA), Eduard reports a
tremendous drop of the (non-equilibrium) critical current from 1.2µA to 250nA.
(“like pouring a glass of water into a river which thereupon stops flowing”).
At different spots along the wire the critical current varies by 25%
(qualitatively) similar to the observed variation in the (equilibrium)
zero-bias map. The correlation between the variation of critical current and
local DOS in the sense “low critical current <-> weak spots”, however, is
delicate, as also geometric influences need to be considered. In general,
weaker SC is more likely to be found close to the edges of the wire, similar as
it has been inferred from optical-absorption studies.
It turns out that Ic depends on the quasiparticle energy. Starting at several
meV, the critical current increases as the energy goes down, experiences a
maximum before it is suppressed again. This is somewhat counterintuitive as in
the limit of low quasiparticle energy the impact on the critical current
becomes more severe. Eduard drops the idea of the interplay between
thermalization and recombination as a possible explanation. Using a higher STM
current, the absolute values of Ic are reduced, however the energy dependence
persists. He notes that the maximum of the Ic curve happens to roughly coincide
with the energy gap of the tunneling spectra. Something to think about.
In summary, Eduard presents a powerful new method to look at the
non-equilibrium properties of disordered superconductors - apparently a field
full of open questions – and a fascinating first view on its nature.
Blogged by Uwe Pracht
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